The congressman Jair Messias Bolsonaro (PSC-RJ) has been the subject of many spotlight in recent months due to certain statements .Many protests have taken over the country due to parliamentary speech in the House of Representatives honoring Colonel Brilhante Ustra such testimony led to another deputy, Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ), to spit in Bolsonaro's face.
The action of Parliament Jean Wyllys in the Impeachment of the president Dilma, led some students to protest just as Jean. In this example below, students of Ufac, stuck the poster with the photo of Bolsonaro and the phrase "spit the target."
Another example of protest, but this time in São Paulo in the Paulista avenue. It was time for a feminist urinate and defecate in the photo of Bolsonaro. After she finished the service, people wrapped applauded and justified, "it was an artistic protest".