School Life Stories - Gabriel Schuch 3A
I've been studying at João XXIII since I was 10. I entered the school in the sixth grade, after my old school closed. Since the first day I walked into the school, I felt a different energy; a new vibe for me. Different people, different teachers and a way way different infrastructure, I was surrounded by good things. When you are surrounded by good things, good things happen, as a result, I made new friends and started getting good grades.
I also got myself in trouble sometimes, I was suspended twice. Once for throwing stones in Felipe Petry's face, and the another one was for throwing avocado inside the treasury room, let's forget about the bad moments. The best thing in the school in my opinion is the relation between the teacher and the student, a close relation, with friendship and partnership.
I will never forget about anything that I lived in João XXIII, from Paulo's bad chemestry jokes to Mara's speech, all the knowledge that was offered and I readily absorved, the school was my second home for years. I want to say thanks to all my teachers, every single one was special in his own way, I love you guys!
Os projetos de 2015: 1. News Stories - Reportagens sobre fatos mundialmente importantes em todos os tempos. 2. Career plan - Profissões, mercado e cursos em universidades no Brasil e no mundo. 3. All about tests - Análise de provas de vestibular e, especificamente, as de língua inglesa, em diversas universidades do Brasil. 4. Our school memories - Depoimentos sobre os fatos que marcaram a vida escolar de cada um dos alunos.
Great Petry