
terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2015

ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica)

On the entrance exam of ITA:

Subjects: Physics; Portuguese; English; Mathematics; Chemistry. 
Inscription: 8/1/2015-9/15/2015
Days of carrying out the tests:

12/15/2015 (Tue)
8:00-12:00 h
12/16/2015 (Wed)
Portuguese and English
8:00-12:00 h
12/17/2015 (Thu)
8:00-12:00 h
12/18/2015 (Friday)
8:00-12:00 h

The evidence to be applied shall be composed of:

Evidence of Math, Physics and Chemistry
               - twenty multiple choice questions and ten essay questions
Proof of Portuguese
               - twenty multiple choice questions and an essay
Proof of English
               - twenty multiple choice questions

In the last three tests of the English language of the ITA's vestibular there is presence of cartoons, all of them with some social commentary (bullying, pollution, loss of privacy from social networks). The issues, all multiple choice, shall assess the candidate's ability to predict content, inferring meanings, recognize vocabulary in different contexts and also identify grammatical structures essential to the understanding of the content shown. In matters relating to texts is often asked about the meaning of some terms and expressions or words, as well as possible changes to maintain the same direction and gaps in the text itself to be completed later in the question (of the three editions analyzed only in 2012 this kind of question was presented). Each text presented in the evidence is used for more than one issue, being those of various sizes.

What types of text are included
Cartoon, comment, article.

What areas/topics are more common?
Technology, environmental issues.

What previous knowledge should we have? 
Grammar and text interpretation knowledge.

What is mainly asked?
Manly the questions ask about the meaning of some word or expression and what is correct out the text. 

Any peculiarity?
Some questions ask for the wrong answer about the text or grammar.

Suggestions for the English test:
-know the meaning and synonymous with conjunctions;
-practice reading so that the interpretation is encouraged;
-the knowledge of the pronoun placement and what words they match is important too, because many questions address on it.

As questões 1 e 2 referem-se ao texto a seguir:

Questão 1. De acordo com o texto:

A ( ) a incerteza é comum nos dias de hoje e leva a um estado de ansiedade e medo paralisante.

B ( ) mostrar o contraste entre incerteza e oportunidade.

C ( ) é possível usar medo e ansiedade a nosso favor.

D ( ) para que se tenha oportunidades é necessário ser treinado.

E ( ) não há como superar a incerteza, até mesmo por isso, pode levar a morte.

Questão 2. A expressão “The head-to-toe butterflies” (linha 20), no contexto em que se insere, significa:

A ( ) incertezas que confundem a mente.

B ( ) autoquestionamentos que imobilizam o corpo da cabeça aos pés.

C ( ) aflições que acabam interferindo no bom funcionamento do organismo.

D ( ) sensação de formigamento nas extremidades do corpo.

E ( ) medos e anseios que dão a sensação de “frio na barriga”.

Group: João Victor and Tiago Machado

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