Marina Prediger 3C
End of School
It´s almost over. I dream of leaving school since the 5th grade! Now the dream is becoming true. I am really happy about this, but I am also really sad about the things that I´m leaving behind.
I am studing in João XXIII with the same classmates since I was 11. At first, I was kind of an intruse, me and Isabela Teixeira, because we entered together; however, it di not took so long to adapt to the new life and the new friends. I remember that in my first day, I didn´t know where was the bathroom and I was very shy to ask someone so I walked blindfold until I found the bathroom.
Although school can be very boring and exausting, it is the place where most of our friendships were made. Having friends is really important in life, and school is the best place in the world to find some. In these six years of João 23 I think that we are not a class anymore, we became a family.
School days are going behind and new parts of our lifes are begining, college, new life, new dreams, work... Everything is about to change, all the things that we used to do will not follow us from now on. It will be tough to let some things go and star a new routine but this is the beauty of life, and I am really happy about all the thinghs that I lived in my school time.
Os projetos de 2015: 1. News Stories - Reportagens sobre fatos mundialmente importantes em todos os tempos. 2. Career plan - Profissões, mercado e cursos em universidades no Brasil e no mundo. 3. All about tests - Análise de provas de vestibular e, especificamente, as de língua inglesa, em diversas universidades do Brasil. 4. Our school memories - Depoimentos sobre os fatos que marcaram a vida escolar de cada um dos alunos.
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