
domingo, 15 de novembro de 2015

Arthur R. L. 3C

I'm not very good with text about the past and sentimental things. I started to study in João XXIII twelve years ago. At least 10 classmates from that time still in my class today. It`s kind of nostalgic have the same 10 classmates for twelve yeas... And of course some of they become my best friend (certain times I spent more hours per week with they than with my family)  But I can`t talk only about them, the other 20 changed with the years and even thoose that left the class, one become my bestfriend and many become good friends. And of course there is many others students form other classes or grades that I had the oportunity to meet and develop great friendships.
But talking about the present. We are all here at the final of our school life (I trully belive that everyone will finish) preparing to a big new world. A world without a 5 days week class, without ten twelve years classmates or just without a break with all your friends. It`s that bad? I dont't belive so. We are all leaving school with many stories, experiences, leranings, victories and fails, friends and sometimes enemies. But we are leaving with something unique. This "something" was part of more than half of my lived life and will stay with me for the rest of it. In the past few months I went to school sometimes out of normal  class time and I always had this funny thilling of remember everything that I lived there and in the same time goose bumps when I remeber that I`am leaving this all. Maybe I'm starting to get crazy. Anyway. I will miss this all (school, friends, teachers, the great cantine chocolate cake that I can`t eat nowdays) but I`m happy to giving a stepfoward in the path of life. Thanks for everything people. Here some old cool (maybe not) nostalgic pictures.

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