
quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2015

USP EXAM- Vinicius Doutrelepont, Thales Maestri, Gustavo Ferraz e Vinicius Pimentel


               The subscription for the exam will be open during the period from August 21 to September 9 on 2015. The first phase will take place on November 29 and the second phase will occur on January 10, 11 and 12 on 2016.

                  The USP exam is divided into two phases: The first phase will happen in a single day. The test will consist of 90 questions, the subjects that you'll find on the test are: biology, physics, geography, history, English, portuguese, mathematics and chemistry. All questions are multiple choice, with five alternatives, and only one is correct. The duration of the test is 5 hours. The pontuation of the first phase will be used as a criterion for the progression of the candidate to the 2nd phase and to calculate your final grade.
              The second phase consists of three discursives tests, required for all candidates promoted to this phase. The duration of each of these tests will be of 4 hours. At this stage you'll find questions abouts the same subjects as the first stage but with an essay test. 

                  About reading comprehension questions we can say that the most common types of text are articles and cartoons. We can see too that the most of the texts have a critical character. To be prepared for this test you should be updated on current affairs. The vocabulary questions are considered easy because you didn't have to use the text expressions, usually you have to use the literal meaning. And the grammar questions aren't used by USP.



               Nobody can know how 2013 will change the world – if at all. In 1989 the Soviet empire teetered and fell. But Marx’s belief that 1848 was the first wave of a proletarian revolution was confounded by decades of flourishing capitalism and 1968 did more to change sex than politics. Even now, though, the inchoate significance of 2013 is discernible. And for politicians who want to peddle the same old stuff, news is not good.
                                                                                        The Economist, June 29, 2013. Adaptado.

Ao comparar os protestos de 2013 com movimentos políticos passados, afirma-se, no texto, que

( ) Nem sempre esses movimentos expressam anseios coletivos.
( ) As crenças de Marx se confirmaram, mesmo após 1848.
( ) As revoltas de 1968 causaram grandes mudanças políticas.
(X) Não se sabe se os protestos de 2013 mudarão o mundo.
( ) Mudanças de costumes foram as principais consequências de movimentos passados.

      (FUVEST 2008) "Japanese researchers have spent five years developing a humanoid robot system that can understand and respond to simultaneous speakers. They posit a restaurant scenario in which the robot is a waiter. When three people stand before the robot and simultaneously order pork cutlet meals or French dinners, the robot understands at about 70 percent comprehension, responding by repeating each order and giving the total price. This process takes less than two seconds and, crucially, requires no prior voice training. Such auditory powers mark a fundamental challenge in artificial intelligence - how to teach machines to pick out significant sounds amid the hubbub. This is known as the cocktail party effect, and most machines do not do any better than humans who have had a few too many martinis." Scientific American, August 2007.

O texto refere-se a "the cocktail party effect", que é metáfora para descrever a dificuldade de

(X) Selecionar sons relevantes, a que prestar atenção, em locais com muita gente.
( ) Escolher pessoas importantes com quem conversar em festas.
( ) Circular e se aproximar de pessoas em coquetéis.
( ) Beber só um pouco para conseguir interagir com outros convidados.
( ) Conversar casualmente sobre diversos temas.

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