
domingo, 15 de novembro de 2015

Rafaela Eichler 3C

     A few days ago, when I was walking through the school gates to go to class, I thought about my first day ever as a student here in João XXIII. The ironic part is that I forgot about mostly everything, but there're still tiny pieces of that special day hidden somewhere. I can still picture my brand new Little Mermaid's backpack (the first one I've ever had with wheels) and my mom by my side, encouraging me. I don't remember most of my classmates from that day or who I interected with and who I didn't. I don't even remember coming home from school, neither what were my impressions as a six-but-almost-seven years student after the very first day of  the next ten years of my life.
     Whenever I try to picture other moments, from different days or years, anything at all, there are just a lot of flashback memories coming all at once, like a dejavu. I can't possibly think about a single moment in school since I've had so many in here, this very same school with its bricks and walls and windows and trees that saw me grow from that little girl with almost seven years caring a Disney wheel backpack to the person I am today, turning eighteen in six months.
     When your memories and experiences are so connected to a place, you can't possibly choose the best one. I've lived here so many beautiful moments (and sad ones too), friendships were made and not all of them rested. I met people in here that I know I'll have for the rest of my life, as much as people I'll probably never see again. That's the thing about this place to me. It's not about a single story or a specific moment - it's pretty much my entire life. When I'm not even thinking about anything in particular, a memory pops into my mind from my childhood days. I think about all the amazing people that make this place go: all the teachers, who certainly opened up my mind about so many things and helped me question and realize what I didn't even know was there, and all the staff, that without a question are honorable people that work really hard to make João XXIII a better place.
     When I think about leaving this school, I don't know what's going to happen, if I'm going to miss coming here every single day or if I'm going to be just fine. I can't know for sure what I'm going to miss the most, all I know is that I'm greatful for my parentes choosing this place, I'm greatful for growing up here.


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